Date: January
Type: Barge Spill
Location: Houston, TX
Gallons: 1,000,000
Date: June
Type: Plant Explosion, Cleanup & Decon
Location: Pasadena, TX
Gallons: 1,500,000
The Emergency Response Company
Date: January
Type: Barge Spill
Location: Houston, TX
Gallons: 1,000,000
Date: June
Type: Plant Explosion, Cleanup & Decon
Location: Pasadena, TX
Gallons: 1,500,000
Garner’s experience in the field of emergency planning and response is unparalleled anywhere in the world. To ensure a rapid response to all infectious disease outbreaks, all response personnel are HAZWOPER Certified per OSHA 29CFR1910.120, current on vaccinations, and will receive a thorough health & safety orientation before mobilization, upon arrival, and daily, per shift. All operations will be conducted within the established Incident Command Structure and in compliance with the most recent best practices recommended by the WHO and the CDC, response personnel will:
NOAA’s outlook for the Atlantic hurricane season, which spans from June 1 to November 30, predicts an 85% chance of an above-normal season. Now is the time to ensure all preparations are made. Garner is fully compliant and educated on the proper protocols for this hurricane season, including altered sheltering operations with adjusted staffing and spacial requirements for the necessary social distancing and required PPE. To assist you with this hurricane season, Garner can provide:
To make sure you are safe and ready, prepare now:
Quick Links: – Be Hurricane Prepared
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Harris County Flood Control
Stay safe this Hurricane Season!
This LINK provides the required data and information related to the Transparency in Coverage Rule for group health plans to publicly post pricing data.
Garner coordinates flood operations with various federal, state, and local agencies and can operate State-Federal Flood Operations Center to flood field operations. The Incident Management Team Leader is the primary liaison with the client’s Office of Emergency Management on flood events, potential high-water situations, and other flood emergency issues. In preparation for such events, Garner maintains a complete range of pumps and accessories and has flood management control specialists and pump operators ready for immediate dispatch. Our Flood Operations Team works year-round on emergency preparedness, coordination, and conducts pre-season training and drills to be prepared when needed.
Flooding can develop slowly, over a period of days or happen fast in just minutes without sign of rain. Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States. Failing to evacuate flooded areas or entering floodwaters can lead to injury or death. As every state has the potential to be at risk, be aware of flood hazards, especially if you live in a low-lying area, near water or downstream.
While you can’t always predict when a flood will strike, you can stake steps to prepare now:
If you find yourself in a flood:
Floodwaters can recede quickly or last several days. Be mindful to:
Quick Links: – Flood Tool Kit
Harris County Flood Control
Tornadoes are violently rotating columns of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm down to the ground. They can occur anywhere and without warning. With the ability to completely destroy buildings, uproot trees, and hurl objects through the air like missiles, they are considered one of the deadliest forces of nature. Because they can strike without warning, the path of destruction is often widespread. Garner has the extensive experience and capabilities to respond to tornadic events with professional personnel to ensure a safe, effective, and comprehensive response. Each Garner response team is outfitted with state-of-art equipment and instrumentation. Practical field experience, coupled with superior equipment, allows our team to dispatch an appropriate response to a tornadic event within minutes of the call. Garner is quick to mitigate the problem. Each Garner responder is well disciplined in proper safe material handling, communications, and quality assurance.
While you cannot predict a tornado occurrence, taking time to prepare now could save lives.
During and after a tornado, the situation can often be chaotic.
Quick Links: – Tornado Information Sheet
Taking Shelter: Building a Safe Room Inside Your Home
American Red Cross