Disaster Response – Services
Garner responds to any type of emergency incident with professional personnel to ensure a safe, effective, and comprehensive response. Garner employs fully certified, extensively trained, and widely experienced personnel. Each Response Team is outfitted with state-of-art equipment and instrumentation. Practical field experience coupled with superior equipment enables Garner to dispatch an appropriate response to any emergency within minutes of the call. Garner is quick to mitigate the problem. Each Garner responder is well disciplined in proper safe material handling, communications, and quality assurance.
Disaster Assessment Teams
Garner can provide experienced a Disaster Assessment Team for gathering and needs analysis of information pertinent to disasters and disaster response.
Forensic Remediation
Experience with mass decontamination at WTC site and Anthrax and Mercury contamination projects using standard USEPA/ATSDR protocols as well as any preferred state or local public health department protocols.
Logistical Staging Area
Establish Logistical Staging Areas (LSA) for all equipment and materials in accordance with the client’s Response Plan. The LSA will serve as a central collection and distribution point.
Turnkey Point of Distribution (POD) Support
Directly support POD’s with material handling equipment packages that, through preplanning, can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the client’s PODs for any emergency or disaster.
Resource Procurement
A core competency of our business practice in the response and recovery field. To commence immediately upon contract award and notice to proceed. Any resources necessary for response and recovery; no matter how extraordinary, can be procured to meet the client’s needs.
Logistics Management
Standard within the realm of our business practices in response and recovery. It is imperative that we be able to move the correct amount of response resources into theater with speed and precision.
Warehousing Support/Management
Implement and operate warehouses in conjunction with any state, local, or federal assistance or solely standalone. Upon request Garner will mobilize the necessary resources to provide distribution/redistribution assistance.
Communications Support
Standard in any large scale response is the ability to communicate by voice and data with any and all parties to the disaster. Garner has incorporated multiple full scale modular satellite units to our current cadre of communication equipment.
Heavy Equipment Response
The use of equipment may include, as necessary, a cadre of maintenance personnel, equipment and supplies dependent upon length and time of deployment.
Total Asset Visibility – Equipment/Resource Tracking
Garner tracks equipment in all operational theatres utilizing individual satellite tracking units. The use of these GPS (Global Positioning System) based tracking units provides verification of equipment utilization and position (latitude, longitude) in the field.
Foreign Animal Disease Response (FADR)
With the recent outbreak of Avian Influenza throughout the world mass depopulation of all types of livestock has become an important issue. Garner has been approached by agriculture industry experts to provide mass euthanization services for poultry, swine and cattle. Garner personnel have been trained by agriculture industry experts in approved methods to provide mass depopulation, disposal and disinfecting services for many types of diseases. This training has already proven invaluable with several successfully completed responses with federal oversight.