Ice Storm
North Texas
Responded for Department of Public Safety to supply Generators to cities in North Texas. Power was distributed during outages in towns such as New Boston, Texas. This work was performed through the Texas General Services Commission. Equipment was on-site within 6 hours.
Florida – Wildfire
Provided Type “6” Fire Engines and crews to assist in the firefighting efforts during the 2000 Wildfire Season in the State of Florida.
South Florida – Flooding
Provided Turn-Key operations for the South Florida Floods in Miami – Dade County. Garner provided Pumps, Generators, Fuel, Hoses, Mechanics, Certified Operators, Forklift Competent Individual/Trainer, Extended-Reach Forklifts for Salvation Army Operations. 3 Pumps remained on-site under contract in West Miami maintaining the sewer system for over a year. All equipment on-site within 16 hours for the State of Florida.
Hurricane Debbie
Coral Gables, Fla.
Response in preparation for approaching hurricane. Responded with generators, pay loaders, cable and other items. All equipment was on-site within 12 hours.
Response to mud slides and flooding at Customs Warehouse Storage Facility in the port of La Guaira, north of Caracas, Venezuela. Removal, segregation and recovery of over 250 different types of chemicals in over 1500 containers; removal of over 300 large shipping (conex) containers; sampling, excavation, and disposal of over 125,000 cubic meters of soil, mud, rock, and debris in port facility. Assessment, logistics, and planning with United Nations, State Department-Hazardous Material Response Team, Venezuelan Firefighters, and the U.S. SOUTHCOM MIL GROUP; cooperation with Swedish fire fighting team and five Venezuelan Ministries. Project finished ahead of schedule and under budget.
High Andes Oil Spill
Pipeline rupture produced by flooding at 15,000 ft. in highly sensitive Bolivian Highlands. 28,000 barrels reported to be lost. Air logistics provided personnel, equipment and materials to remote Andean region. More than 3,500 native and American personnel in 7 zones over 150 miles of river course managed by Garner at operational peak of project. First Response personnel on-site in 36 hours. Huge operation managing logistics, personnel, supplies, and equipment utilizing Russian Antonov, C-130, and 727 plane loads in an international venue.